The Blog

Chelsea & Kevin | Backyard Wedding | Renton, WA
Well, let’s start here. Chelsea and Kevin found me through Chris and Cam (See the last blog HERE). We met over pizza in Georgetown, WA, and clicked! I knew it was gonna be a good tie with these two. We planned their engagement shoot at Franklin Falls and they survived a VERY wet day. But this was only the beginning….

Chris & Cameron S. | Beach Wedding| Ocean Shores, WA
About two and a half years ago I posted a giveaway! Sometimes I do these if I am feeling generous. And what I ended up with was life long clients/friends!
Chris entered this give away almost immediately. He had just started following me from a shoot he saw me do with some local celebrities! I wanted to rig this give away so I would get to work with Chris and his boyfriend, but then HIS NAME WAS DRAWN! what are the chances?

King Five TVs Kelly Hansen | Lifestyle Branding | Seattle, WA
Again, this introduction dates all the way back to Carla Marie’s podcast, but if you’ve read this blog, at least once you’ve heard the story. Check out this blog for that story (HERE!). But that’s just the ROOT. There’s more to the way I met Kelly. Meeting Kelly was an incredible gift provided by Andrew Coleman Smith. Andrew being the amazing person he is was working on this really cool YouTube project with Kelly Hansen at King Five (a local Seattle news station). This project is Local Lens! (Click to check the channel out!!).
Is the Mountain Out? Mount Rainier Watch | Brand Spotlight | Seattle, WA
If you live in Washington you know that the phrase “the mountain is out” means the weather is nice.
If you’re not from Washington and you’re stopping by my blog just because…FIRST, WELCOME but now you know. when Washingtonians say “the mountain is out” it literally means, it’s a nice clear day. We don’t go by the weather report because ya know…its never really correct here. Its usually determined by the mountain.
Where is the Glacier?? | GNP Experience | Glacier National Park, Montana
Guys, we are in the middle of a pandemic…so I know, I know, stay home, stay safe. But honestly, we thought it would be critically important to get out of the house in a space we could distance (and wear masks) but also enjoy our time. We didn’t really feel like backpacking or feel like getting too dirty, so we started looking into national parks.
…Then a friend and their partner said they were going to Glacier National Park , so…naturally, we tagged along.
Betta and Seth | Adventure Wedding | Sauk Mountain, WA
A Hiking/Adventure/Excursion/Wedding is always my goal, and was something I had BEGGED to come across…then it came.
Being apart of lots of photography groups, hiking women groups, outdoor PNW stuff all over Facebook I never thought I would actually get connected with someone from one. But one special day I met Betta.
How to do a FaceTime Photoshoot | Seattle to Edmonds to NYC | Seattle, WA
Who knew the world would come to this…FACETIME PHOTOSHOOTS, what in the world!
What in the world am I talking about you say??
Well, why don’t I explain a little bit?
If you are a photographer and interested in doing it for yourself here are my tips and tricks for making the best out of it!
#WeGotThisSeattle Part 2 | Quarantine 2020 | Seattle, WA
I know that quarantine is just about the only thing that anyone can talk about these days.
it’s the only thing on our minds…
#WeGotThisSeattle | Quarantine Series One | Seattle, Wa
At the beginning of this quarantine, I was devastated, I was no longer going to Europe, no longer going to a tropical island, no longer able to see people I love face to face. And as someone who thrives off of social interaction, the scariest thought of impending doom felt like it was rushing towards me.