The Blog

Viral for a Pickle? The Result

Viral for a Pickle? The Result

Let us begin by saying. I have officially gone “insane” ?

I feel like all I need to put here is the video. But I will type out the story for SEO…and those of you who like to read still. Haha Just Kidding! But for reals. So here it goes.

So, one night. The partner was out having a boys night which triggered boredom.

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Counselor Headshots | Branding and beyond | Seattle and Bellingham, WA

Counselor Headshots | Branding and beyond | Seattle and Bellingham, WA

Well guess what. YOUR PHOTO MATTERS. (Secret deal below!)

I have been told by client after client that they selected me more because of my photo than my bio. Clients see my photo and see someone that they can connect with. To be honest I am not sure why they see that in me but they do. But the difference is that I had professional photos done in my natural environment that show you who I am!

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A Photographers New Years Resolution | Hard Work Continues | Seattle, WA
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A Photographers New Years Resolution | Hard Work Continues | Seattle, WA

Well, it can be just about anything depending on what you want. However, as a therapist (my day job if you didn’t know this) it’s important to remember a few things:

If you do not want to be disappointed by not achieving your goals, or not quite making it all the way. Set your resolutions realistically, small enough, and enjoyable. Goal setting or resolution setting, whatever you want to call it should not always be set just once a year. New Years’ is just a great marking point for many people on “starting something new” or “trying again” however, we should always set ourselves small achievable goals every day.

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Do they Work? 7 Photography Hacks | Portrait Photography | Seattle, WA
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Do they Work? 7 Photography Hacks | Portrait Photography | Seattle, WA

The inspiration for this “Photo Hacks” video comes from Instagram. Yup, and you know I am talking about all the Reels and TikToks that get posted all over Instagram. But it was fun being able to turn my mindless scrolling into something productive. So during my late-night, boyfriends playing video game scrolling I came across a bunch of “photography hacks” some of which will have a whole other video, but these were my favorites and so I thought it would be a great opportunity to get creative with some fun people.

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My Top 5 Boudoir Must Haves ! | Boudoir Advice and Beyond | Seattle, WA

My Top 5 Boudoir Must Haves ! | Boudoir Advice and Beyond | Seattle, WA

Ever wonder how I explain to my clients what to wear? Ever wonder what it is you wear to a boudoir session? or just want to hear some fun ideas?? Well, then this is the article for you today.

I am making this list because there are 5 specific items the NEVER FAIL to make boudoir sessions the best they can be! Before going through this list, I want to mention that this is by no means me telling you what to do, this is just a list of my “must-haves” when getting ready for a boudoir shoot.

So, let’s get started!

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